Investing in vehicle security should be a car owner’s top priority. It is essential to not only protect your belongings in your car but also to deter thieves from trying to tamper with it. Car alarms are one of the most common ways to secure your vehicle. Here are five facts to know about .
How do car alarms work
Car alarms go off when something unusual happens to your vehicle. The mechanism is simple. When activated, the sensors in the vehicle will go off. If the sensor does not record any unusual activity, the alarm will still stay active but will not go off.
A car alarm is the whole of three parts; At least one type of sensor, a siren or flashing lights and the control unit.
Sensors can be placed on any part of the car
Car alarms go off when a sensor is triggered. These sensors can be placed on almost any part of your vehicle.
- Car-alarm Door Sensors: The most basic alarm system for most vehicles. When you try to open any of the fully protected doors on your vehicle such as the front hood, trunk, or any of the side doors the alarm with will be set off if the car is not unlocked.
- Car-alarm Shock Sensors: Most advanced alarm systems use shock sensors to deter theft. It works when some hits or moves your car and sends a signal to the sensor. Depending on the severity of the hit, it will either let out a warning honk or set off the full alarm system.
- Car-alarm Window and Pressure Sensors: When someone is trying to get in your car, they don’t want to waste time trying to unlock the car. Most times they will break a window. A pressure sensors detects a difference in air pressure. If there is a sudden rush of air coming into the car when a window is broken, this will send a signal to the car, causing the alarm to go off.
The alarm can go off because of vehicle issues
A car alarm can be triggered by something other than a break-in. A faulty key fob can cause your alarm to go off since it is linked to your system. Your alarm system can go off if the car battery is low. If the car alarm keeps going off and you don’t know how to fix it, check all of your sensors first before you take it to your local mechanic.
Active alarms vs. Passive alarms
There are two ways to know if your car alarm is activated. An active car alarm is turned on when the driver leaves the vehicle and sets it with the key fob. You will hear a sound to know if and when your alarm is set. Passive alarms turn on automatically once the key is out of the ignition and all the doors are closed. The driver does not have to worry about having to set it.
Car alarms shouldn’t be your only source of security
While car alarms are a nice start to vehicle security, it should not be the end all be all. You can buy something as simple as a steering wheel lock or a pedal jack to something more complex such as a rear camera or GPS tracking. Car alarms may not deter thieves from taking your vehicle so it is important to look at other ways to protect your car.
Looking for more information on car security? We have a blog for that. Read our blog on remote starters. If you are looking to add a dashcam in your vehicle, read our blog on the topic. If you still aren’t sold on car alarms, read our buying guide on finding the right car alarm system.