Tag: car subwoofer
What Does it Mean to Invert a Subwoofer?
If you have ever come across a subwoofer that looks like it’s upside-down, it is more than likely just an inverted subwoofer....
How to match Car Subwoofer and Amplifier
Main Points to consider when matching Car Subwoofer and Amplifier
Are you wondering how to match a car subwoofer and amplifier? Look no further because...
Why you should get a Car Subwoofer
Any audiophile will tell you that you need an aftermarket sound system. No matter what you drive, the manufacturer placed the audio components at...
Car Audio Equipment Ideal for Hip-Hop/Rap Music
Ever wonder as to whether or not it makes a difference as to what type of sound system you have in your vehicle that...
Want to hook up your own subwoofer?
Lately I've been doing a lot of research on car audio (being that I am one of the newest team members here at Sonic Electronix)...
Why Everyone Should Own A Subwoofer
Who Needs Bass?
Picture this: You're driving along listening to your music. You pull up next to a 16 year old kid at a red...
Multi-Channel & Mono-Channel Differences
If your car audio sound system is not meeting your expectations then maybe your specifications are to blame. When examining mono and multi-channel amplifiers,...
Lanzar OptiDrive Series Amplifiers
Unleash the Beast
If we know our customers, bass is one of the most important aspects of their audio systems. In order to achieve such...
Introducing the AmpliFinder tool
Making Matching Easier
One of the most common questions asked at Sonic Electronix is, "How do I know which amplifier I need for my subwoofer?"...
What Amplifier Do I Need For My Rockford Fosgate P3 Subwoofer?
Rockford Fosgate P3 Series Subwoofers provide a good amount of bass and when powered properly sound amazing. This week in our series of What...